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Magical Colours

Writer: galerigaleri

One of the most noticeable aspects of Jan Gardner’s work is her use of rich, magical colours, this free and fluid approach is firmly based on field work, observation and visual note-taking, where source material, objects and forms are gathered as reference materials, then sensitively filtered to contribute to the rhythm and composition of each piece.

Most recently we’ve been delighted to hear that Wales Week London has collaborated with Welsh artists to create a book that helps showcase the culture of Wales through its rich tapestry of words and art.

Featured in the publication is work by Jan with accompanying poetry by Rebecca Clements.

This featured work ‘Where Purple Mountains Lie’ is currently on show here at Galeri and available to purchase along with several other colourful works by Jan. You can also see more of Jan's work and learn about her practice by visiting her artist page on this website.

Lliwiau Hudol

Un o’r agweddau amlycaf o waith Jan Gardner yw ei defnydd o liwiau cyfoethog, hudolus, mae’r dull rhydd a hylifol hwn wedi’i seilio’n gadarn ar waith maes, arsylwi a chymryd nodiadau gweledol, lle cesglir deunydd ffynhonnell, gwrthrychau a ffurfiau fel deunyddiau cyfeirio. , yna ei hidlo'n sensitif i gyfrannu at rythm a chyfansoddiad pob darn.

Yn fwyaf diweddar rydym wedi bod yn falch iawn o glywed bod Wythnos Cymru Llundain wedi cydweithio ag artistiaid Cymreig i greu llyfr sy’n helpu i arddangos diwylliant Cymru drwy ei thapestri cyfoethog o eiriau a chelf.

Yn y cyhoeddiad mae gwaith gan Jan gyda barddoniaeth gan Rebecca Clements.

Mae’r gwaith nodwedd hwn ‘Where Purple Mountains Lie’ i’w weld yn gyfredol yma yn Galeri ac ar gael i’w brynu ynghyd â nifer o weithiau lliwgar eraill gan Jan. Gallwch hefyd weld mwy o waith Jan a dysgu am ei hymarfer trwy ymweld â'i thudalen artist ar y wefan hon.



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